The four modes of transportation.

Deployment Process Modernization Office (DPMO)

Deployment Support


  • Analyze concepts that may improve deployment doctrine
  • Maintain relevancy of Army deployment and terminal doctrine manuals
  • Review Joint and Army doctrine for deployment and distribution implications and make recommendations for change

Major Mission Areas

  • Preparing Agent for Army Regulation 525-93, Army Deployment Operations and [New] Department of the Army Pamphlet 525-93, Army Deployment Processes and Procedures.
  • Proponent for ATP 3-35 Army Deployment and Redeployment
  • Proponent for ATP 4-13 Army Expeditionary Intermodal Operations
  • Proponent for ATP 3-35.1 Army Pre-Positioned Operations
  • Proponent for ATP 4-16 Movement Control
  • Command Deployment Discipline Program (CDDP)


This page last updated: August 24, 2021

Deployer's Toolbox