To recognize Army units (Active, Reserve, National Guard) for outstanding accomplishments which meet or exceed Army deployment standards
The Deployment Excellence Award is designed to recognize Army units (Active, Reserve, National Guard) for outstanding accomplishments which meet or exceed Army deployment standards. Appropriate recognition is made of soldiers and/or civilians of a unit/installation that is recognized by the chain of command for their ongoing efforts to establish and sustain excellence in support of unit deployments and its mission accomplishment. The DEA program is co-sponsored by the Army G-3 and G-4. The Chief of Transportation (COT) is the executive agent for the program.
Require electronic Unit Deployment Nomination Packets NLT 31 January
Submit nomination endorsements through unit command channels to ACOM, ASCC, or DRU commands
Finalists will be contacted for onsite validation visit
Reference Army Publishing Directorate for program specifics
No Nomination packet required
Deploying units request through their ACOM, ASCC, and DRU commands to participate in Operational Deployment category
ACOM, ASCC, and DRU commands request Operational Deployment site visit through DEA Program Manager
Contact DEA Program Manager Phone: (804) 765-0940
Must have supported a training or contingency deployment during the competition year
Deployment involves unit deployment moves during peacetime and contingencies (i.e. Combat Training Center (CTC) rotations, humanitarian operations, defense support of civilian authorities (DSCA), JCS-directed or coordinated exercises, or temporary change of station (TCS))
Must select one deployment supported from the installation during the competition year
Deployment involves a peacetime or a contingency mission, (i.e. Combat Training Center (CTC) rotations, humanitarian operations, defense support of civilian authorities (DSCA), JCS-directed or coordinated exercises, or temporary change of station (TCS))
Large (Bn and above)
Small (Co and below)
Large (Bn and above)
Small (Co and below)
Large (Bn and above)
Small (Co and below)
The primary objectives are:
The DEA program is co-sponsored by the Army G-3 and G-4. The Chief of Transportation (COT) is the executive agent for the program. The Director, Deployment Process Modernization Office (DPMO) serves as the (COT's) lead agent.
So the soldiers and/or civilians of your unit/installation can be recognized by the chain of command for their ongoing efforts to establish and/or sustain excellence in support of unit deployments and its mission accomplishment .
The DEA competition year begins on 1 October and ends 30 September of the following calendar year.
An all expense paid round-trip to the ceremony to accept the award for one unit member from each winning unit (includes per diem, lodging, transportation costs to and from the airport/hotel)
The Chief of Staff Army Deployment Excellence Award program is open to all Army Active, National Guard, and Reserve units and installations with a deployment or deployment support mission executed within the competition period (1 Oct - 30 Sep)
Deployments can occur at home station, mobilization station, or power projection platform. Eligible deployments can occur prior to or post Title 10 conversion. Examples of activities which can involve eligible deployments:
The Deploying Unit category applies to any unit (derivative UIC) with a deployment mission.
The deploying unit category has the following sub-categories for competition:
The unit must demonstrate the ability to deploy by executing a deployment (see example above) within the competition year (1 Oct - 30 Sep).
The deployment begins at the unit’s origin and ends at the unit’s final destination (tactical assembly area, corps assembly area, annual training site or other location designated by the unit’s mission).
The ultimate determination of whether a unit movement constitutes a deployment within the intent of the DEA program is made on a case-by-case basis by the unit’s MACOM.
A deploying task force up to division size may compete, but must be submitted as under one division UIC.
Deploying units are evaluated on their ability to plan and execute a deployment mission.
Deploying units competing for the award are limited to a single deployment event or activity (see examples above) during the award competition year. This event or activity has to be identified by the unit as the basis for the award in the unit’s nomination profile packet.
The Supporting Unit award categroy is as follows:
This sub-category applies to any unit or activity that has demonstrated the ability to support a deployment within the competition year (1 Oct - 30 Sep). Support units are evaluated on their ability to plan and execute deployment support activities, events, or contingency support mission during the competition year. Support units may identify multiple events or activities supported within the competition year as the basis for the award in the unit’s nomination profile packet.
The Installation Award category consists of the following sub-categories:
These sub-categories apply only to any fixed military installation, fort, barracks, garrison, or camp, which has demonstrated the ability to plan and execute deployment support activities, within the competition year (1 Oct - 30 Sep). Installations may identify multiple events or activities supported within the competition year as the basis for the award in the installation's self-nomination profile packet.
If you submit a Web-based packet, please notify your ACOM, ASCC, or DRU DEA POCs that you have completed and submitted your packet. They will include an endorsement letter prior to the DEA selection board.
Units may submit packets anytime during competition period
All nominations are due to the DA-Level evaluation board at Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia NLT 31 Jan.
Operational Deployment (competition period 1 Oct - 30 Sep– same as Self-Nomination competition)
This category applies only to units deploying on operational missions that includes the preparation and submission of unit movement data.
This category eliminates the deploying unit administrative requirements (including preparation of the unit nomination packet), and expands participation possibilities for units deploying on short-notice.
This award is no longer subdivided into two sub-categories. Only one Deploying Unit, Company and above.
Two units are recognized annually for deployment achievements that meet or exceed Army deployment standards outlined in Appendix (C).
MACOMs participating in operational deployment competitions will contact the DPMO DEA program manager to nominate and schedule units for a DEA observation team visit.
The observation teams are deployment node centric, and not unit centric. In addition, the observation team will not interfere with the deploying unit activity.
The observation team will rate the unit, focusing on the deployment process, C2, and timeline.
The observation teams may spend up to a week observing the unit deployment activities.
The observations are conducted IAW standards outlined in appendix C.
The operational deployments awards may not be awarded each year unless operational deployment occurs in that competitive year.
Comm: (804)-765-0940
DSN: 539
DSN: (315)-725-8383
Comm: (309)-782-4406
Comm: (910)-570-5482
DSN: 670
Comm: (703)-428-4818
DSN: 312
FAX: (703)-428-2911
Comm: (210)-221-6040
DSN: 471-6040
DSN FAX: 471-7122
Comm: (520)-538-6934
DSN: 879-6934
FAX: (520)-528-6284
Comm: (703)-607-7492
DSN: 327-7492
FAX: (703)-607-8529/DSN FAX: 327-8529
Comm: (618)-220-5287
DSN: 770-5287
FAX: (618)-220-5473
Comm: (703)-761-1760
DSN: 763-1760
FAX: (2020)-761-1245
Comm: (703)-806-0329
DSN: 656-0329
FAX: (703)-806-3087
Comm: (910)-570-9546
DSN: 239-9546
Comm: 01149-611-1435374208
DSN: 314-537-4208
Comm: (808)-438-8640
DSN: 315-438-8640
Comm: (910)-432-3925
DSN: 239-3925
FAX: (910)-432-6952/DSN FAX: 239-6952