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Transportation Course and Welcome Letters

Transportation Schools


Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning 8C-F17/553-F5 (MC) CAC-Enabled 551L Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA Mandatory training for all UMOs (primary and alternate) IAW AR 525-93. This course is designed for Active and Reserve Component Commissioned Officers in grades Lieutenant through Lieutenant Colonel and Warrant Officers . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
TC AISM II Theater Operations (TOPS) 8C-F43/553-F18 (MC) CAC-Enabled 551L Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA The course covers actions that would be taken to support RSO&I activities in a theater operations setting. Specifically, the course includes a system overview, and instruction on the system's capabilities . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Master Driver Trainer 8C-F45/553-ASIM9 (MC) CAC-Enabled 551L Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA This course supports the Army Driver Training Strategy by providing informative instruction on Roles and Responsibilities directly associated with the duties of the Master Driver-Trainer . . . (See ATRRS for full description.) CAC-Enabled
TC-AIMS II Functional User 8C-F46/553-F21 (MC) CAC-Enabled 551L Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA The course includes a movement scenario, with an overview of AIT hardware and how it is used during a unit move. The course covers actions that would be taken at the home station in preparation for a move . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Senior Transportation Operations Course 8C-F50/553-F25 (MC) CAC-Enabled 551L Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA This is a TC Proponent Functional Course that focuses on integrating advanced applications in order to enable Sustainment . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Air Deployment 8C-SI3S/553-F4 (MC) CAC-Enabled 551L Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA This Air Mobility Command (AMC) affiliated course is required certification training for load planners. Graduates receive a control-numbered AMC Form 9 (AMC Airlift Load Plan Certification) upon graduation. AMC requires recertification every two years . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
License Instructor Examiner 920-F92 (DL) 551L Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA This course supports the Army Driver Training Strategy by providing informative instruction on Roles and Responsibilities directly associated with the duties of the License Instructor . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Watercraft Operator Certification 062-F5 551 Ft. Eustis, VA Passenger movements, firefighting/damage control, marlinespike seamanship, vessel administration and leadership, High Speed Craft navigation and quartermaster duties, vessel handling and seamanship, marine deck operations, and maritime regulations.
Global maritime Distress Safety System (Cert) 062-F8 551 Ft. Eustis, VA Curriculum provides simulator-based instruction, including all features, functions and regulations pertaining to the GMDSS system capabilities including INMARSAT; Maritime Safety Information . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Mobilization / Deployment Planning 2G-SI6M/500-ASI6M 907B Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA This course addresses the mobilization and deployment processes at various levels of command within the Army. Focus of the course is on legal authorities, mobilization concepts, plans, policies . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Rough Terrain Container Handler Operator 500-ASIR1 (42A/89B/92A)MC (500-ASIR1 (MC) FY23) CAC-Enabled 551 Ft. Eustis, VA Responsibilities of the operator: Hydraulic controls and instruments, Equipment operations, Boom operation and Controls, Tophandler operations, Ground stacking of ISO containers, Chassis loading/unloading, Forklift Kit Installation, and safety.
Watercraft Engineer Certification 652-F2 551 Ft. Eustis, VA Marine hydraulics / pneumatics, high speed diesel engines, heavy duty diesel engines, marine electrical systems, marine heating / refrigeration, fuel systems. . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Marine Radar Observer / Auto Radar Plotting Aid 8C-F10/062-F3 551 Ft. Eustis, VA Radar theory and operation, government policy pertaining to radar, plotting of single and multiple targets for determining true course and speed of targets, and evasive action of observer's vessel to avoid collision.
Marine Radar Certification Renewal (Cert) 8C-F32/553-F14 551 Ft. Eustis, VA Radar theory and operation, government policy pertaining to radar, plotting of single and multiple targets for determining true course and speed of targets, and evasive action of observer's vessel to avoid collision.
Locomotive Engineer / Conductor Certification 8C-F37/850-F1 CAC-Enabled 551 Ft. Eustis, VA This course includes instruction in certification requirements; safety; rail operating rules and federal regulations; and air brake and train handling rules.
Locomotive Engineer / Conductor Recertification 8C-F38/850-F2 CAC-Enabled 551 Ft. Eustis, VA This course includes instruction in recertification requirements concentrating on changes in the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) standards . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Railway Operations Crewmember Civilian 812-F1 (CT) CAC-Enabled 551 Ft. Eustis, VA Course includes Air Brake and Train Handling Rules and Safety Rules for locomotives and rail cars, movement of equipment, and safety within the general area . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Transportation Basic Officer Leader 8-55-C20B 907B Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA The course is oriented toward maximizing practical training via structured performance objectives with a minimum of theoretical instruction while training each officer . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning 8C-F17/553-F5 (MC) 1021 Camp Murray, WA Mandatory training for all UMOs (primary and alternate) IAW AR 525-93. This course is designed for Active and Reserve Component Commissioned Officers in grades Lieutenant through Lieutenant Colonel and Warrant Officers . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning 8C-F17/553-F5 (MC) 757 Grafenwoehr, AE Mandatory training for all UMOs (primary and alternate) IAW AR 525-93. This course is designed for Active and Reserve Component Commissioned Officers in grades Lieutenant through Lieutenant Colonel and Warrant Officers . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning 8C-F17/553-F5 (MC) 921 Ft. Knox, KY Mandatory training for all UMOs (primary and alternate) IAW AR 525-93. This course is designed for Active and Reserve Component Commissioned Officers in grades Lieutenant through Lieutenant Colonel and Warrant Officers . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning 8C-F17/553-F5 (MC) 1023 Ft. McCoy, WI Mandatory training for all UMOs (primary and alternate) IAW AR 525-93. This course is designed for Active and Reserve Component Commissioned Officers in grades Lieutenant through Lieutenant Colonel and Warrant Officers . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning 8C-F17/553-F5 (MC) 1017 Ft. Cavazos, TX Mandatory training for all UMOs (primary and alternate) IAW AR 525-93. This course is designed for Active and Reserve Component Commissioned Officers in grades Lieutenant through Lieutenant Colonel and Warrant Officers . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning 8C-F17/553-F5 (MC) 551S Ft. Stewart Mandatory training for all UMOs (primary and alternate) IAW AR 525-93. This course is designed for Active and Reserve Component Commissioned Officers in grades Lieutenant through Lieutenant Colonel and Warrant Officers . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning 8C-F17/553-F5 (MC) 551B Ft. Liberty, NC Mandatory training for all UMOs (primary and alternate) IAW AR 525-93. This course is designed for Active and Reserve Component Commissioned Officers in grades Lieutenant through Lieutenant Colonel and Warrant Officers . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning 8C-F17/553-F5 (MC) 551C Ft. Carson, CO Mandatory training for all UMOs (primary and alternate) IAW AR 525-93. This course is designed for Active and Reserve Component Commissioned Officers in grades Lieutenant through Lieutenant Colonel and Warrant Officers . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning 8C-F17/553-F5 (MC) 551D Ft. Drum, NY Mandatory training for all UMOs (primary and alternate) IAW AR 525-93. This course is designed for Active and Reserve Component Commissioned Officers in grades Lieutenant through Lieutenant Colonel and Warrant Officers . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning 8C-F17/553-F5 (MC) 551H Ft. Cavazos, TX Mandatory training for all UMOs (primary and alternate) IAW AR 525-93. This course is designed for Active and Reserve Component Commissioned Officers in grades Lieutenant through Lieutenant Colonel and Warrant Officers . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)


8-88-C46 601 Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA This course will be Phase I for the following MOSs 88M, 88H, 88N, 88K, 88U and 88L. 88H, 88M, and 88N are SLC graduates after completing this course. Phase II for 88K, 88L, and 88U . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
062-88K10 551 Ft. Eustis, VA Identification of Marlinespike Seamanship, Shipboard Emergency, Vessel Administrative Duties, Watch Standing Procedures, Communication, Vessel Operations . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
553-88N10 551L Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA This course consists of training in Transportation individual critical tasks related to cargo documentation; planning, loss, and damage control . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
652-88L10 551 Ft. Eustis, VA This course consists of Marine hydraulic/pneumatic systems, shipboard firefighting/damage control, drills and survival measures, shipboard sanitation, high speed diesel engines . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
811-88M10 551W Ft. Leonard Wood, MO Operate medium tactical vehicles, with/without semitrailer, on/off road, over a tactical convoy route within a convoy . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
822-88H10 551 Ft. Eustis, VA Operating ships Cargo-Handling Gear, Operating Material Handling Equipment (MHE), and Cranes; Loading procedures for shipment by Air, Rail, and Motor . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88H10 (R) C551 Ft. Eustis, VA This 551-88H10 reclassification course consist of two phases intended to train selected learning objectives in operating ships Cargo-Handling Gear . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88M10(R1) F551 Ft. Knox, KY Operate medium tactical vehicles, with/without semitrailer, on/off road, over a tactical convoy route within a convoy . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88M10(R1) 955 Camp Ashland, NE Operate medium tactical vehicles, with/without semitrailer, on/off road, over a tactical convoy route within a convoy . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88M10(R1) 963 Camp Cook, LA Operate medium tactical vehicles, with/without semitrailer, on/off road, over a tactical convoy route within a convoy . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88M10(R1) 978 Camp San Luis Obispo, CA Operate medium tactical vehicles, with/without semitrailer, on/off road, over a tactical convoy route within a convoy . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88M10(R1) 987 Camp Lincoln, Il Operate medium tactical vehicles, with/without semitrailer, on/off road, over a tactical convoy route within a convoy . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88M10(R1) 1005 Santa Fe, NM Operate medium tactical vehicles, with/without semitrailer, on/off road, over a tactical convoy route within a convoy . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88M10(R1) 1009 Columbus, OH Operate medium tactical vehicles, with/without semitrailer, on/off road, over a tactical convoy route within a convoy . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88M10(R1) 1020 Ft. Barfoot, VA Operate medium tactical vehicles, with/without semitrailer, on/off road, over a tactical convoy route within a convoy . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88N10 (R) B551 Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA The MOS 88N10 Reclassification Course will prove the highest level of MOS proficiency at skill level 1 to members of the Total Force . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88U10 551 Ft. Eustis, VA Course includes locomotives and rail cars, movement of equipment, and safety within the general area and during use of equipment . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88U10 (T) C551 Ft. Eustis, VA Course includes locomotives and rail cars, movement of equipment, and safety within the general area and during use of equipment . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-8-88-C46-A B551 Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA Phase I of this course must be taken in the following sequence, 551-8-88-C46-A then 551-8-88-C46-B. Soldiers must complete Phase 1B (551-8-88-C46-B) within 24 months . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-8-88-C46-A F551 Ft. Knox, KY Phase I of this course must be taken in the following sequence, 551-8-88-C46-A then 551-8-88-C46-B. Soldiers must complete Phase 1B (551-8-88-C46-B) within 24 months . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-8-88-C46-B F551 Ft. Knox, KY Phase I of this course must be taken in the following sequence, 551-8-88-C46-A then 551-8-88-C46-B. Soldiers must complete Phase 1B (551-8-88-C46-B) within 24 months . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-8-88-C46-B B551 Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA Phase I of this course must be taken in the following sequence, 551-8-88-C46-A then 551-8-88-C46-B. Soldiers must complete Phase 1B (551-8-88-C46-B) within 24 months . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)


062-88K30-C45 601A Ft. Eustis, VA To provide the student with knowledge and skills to supervise/train enlisted personnel in (1) Firefighting/damage control, marine cargo operations . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
062-88K40-C46 601A Ft. Eustis, VA This course consists of two phases. Phase I (one) resident Transportation Deployment/Distribution, SLC 8-88-C46 or Reserve Component Transportation Deployment . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
553-88N30-C45 601 Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA Military leadership, staff functions, management organization, and operating procedures. Duties, functions, and problem solving skills needed to function . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
652-88L30-C45 601A Ft. Eustis, VA This consists of selected technical tasks to include; marine hydraulics/pneumatics, shipboard firefighting and damage control, marine electrical systems . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
652-88L40-C46 601A Ft. Eustis, VA Phase II for 88L40 will be resident AC MOS specific technical training. This course applies appropriate lessons learned conditions and standards to all maritime performance objectives . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
811-88M30-C45 601 Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA This course consists of warrior lessons, squad leader responsibilities to include motor transport supervisory/trainer functions, convoy operations, truck squad tactics . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
822-88H30-C45 601A Ft. Eustis, VA This is a non-phased course, consisting of the Introduction to the 88H30 Course, Water Terminal Operations, Operation of the Deck/Pedestal Crane, Cargo Operations . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88H30-C45 (NS) C551 Ft. Eustis, VA This is phase I of a two-phased course. This Phase I is consisting of the Introduction to the 88H30 Resident Course, Water Terminal Operations, Operation . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88H30-C45 (NS) C551 Ft. Eustis, VA This is phase II of a two-phased course. This Phase II is consisting of the Rough Terrain Container Handler Operations, Cargo Operations (Air), Field Training Exercise (FTX) . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88M30-C45 (RC) B551 Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA This course consists of two phases. Phase I (one) is intended to train squad leader responsibilities to include motor transport supervisory . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88M30-C45 (RC) F551 Ft. Knox, KY This course consists of two phases. Phase I (one) is intended to train squad leader responsibilities to include motor transport supervisory . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88N30-C45 B551 Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA This course consists of two phases. Phase I (one) and Phase II (two) consisting of military leadership, staff functions, management organization . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88U30-C45 C551 Ft. Eustis, VA Course includes locomotives and rail cars, movement of equipment, and safety within the general area and during use of equipment. General skills include care and use of hand tools . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
551-88U40-C46 C551 Ft. Eustis, VA SLC for Railway Specialist consists of two phases. Phase I (one) Reserve Component Transportation Deployment/Distribution SLC, 551-8-88-C46-A and 551-8-88-C46-B consist of curriculum of leadership . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)


8C-880A 551 Ft. Eustis, VA General marine subjects, rules of the road, piloting and shipboard operations, electronics, and open water navigation for marine certification and vessel-specific training for marine licensing . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
4H-881A 551 Ft. Eustis, VA General marine subjects; supply procedures; repair parts; maintenance management; marine engineering principles and practices; marine refrigeration, heating, ventilation. . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
8C-882A 907C Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA The training curriculum for the MO Basic Course is centered on preparing graduates to perform critical deployment tasks at Brigade Combat Team or Specialized Staff . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
8-55-C32-880A/881A 551 Ft. Eustis, VA TRADOC Common Subjects, Common Military Skills, Administrative Duties, Computer Literacy, and Leadership Management.
8C-55-C32-880A-FO 551 Ft. Eustis, VA This course provides detailed instruction covering roles at strategic, joint, theater, division and corps level. Training will also cover vessel defense, JLOTS packages, advanced firefighting and the C4ISR system.
8-55-C32 (880A/SQI1) 551 Ft. Eustis, VA General marine subjects, rules of the road, piloting and advanced shipboard operations, electronics, and open water navigation for marine certification and vessel-specific training for marine licensing.
8-55-C32 (881A) 551 Ft. Eustis, VA Using the Army Watercraft Life Cycle Management Model as a frame of reference, this course provides detailed instruction covering maintenance policies and programs . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
8-55-C32 (881A/SQI2) 551 Ft. Eustis, VA Proponent common subjects: HAZCOM, HAZMAT, PQDR/EIR, Marine Supply, MCSR, Organizational Maintenance Management, MARPOL, and Support Unit Maintenance. . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
8-55-C32 (882A) 907C Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA Focuses on Strategic Requirements, Unit Movement/Sustainment Doctrine, Joint/Unified Commands with a end of course Culminating event. Designed to teach senior Warrant Officers . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)
8-55-C32-882A 907C Ft. Gregg-Adams, VA Provide progressive technical training augmented by progressive common core leader developmental training. To provide a wealth of logistical knowledge through classroom . . . (See ATRRS for full description.)