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National Defense Transportation Association Military Awards

Presenting awards for the Logistics/Transportation Military Unit of the Year

NDTA Military Award Program 2025

The purpose of this note is to announce the National Defense Transportation Association (NDTA) Military Award program competition for 2025, provide instructions to competitors and verify you are our Service Point of Contact. We will present the awards for the Logistics/Transportation Military Unit of the Year for each Service's Active, Reserve and National Guard component categories and the Logistics/Transportation Military Instructor of the Year award during the annual NDTA-USTRANSCOM Fall Meeting, Oct. 6-9, 2025, at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri.

If you have not already done so, please acknowledge receipt and confirm you are the Service contact. If you are no longer the POC, please forward the email to your replacement and provide me with the correct contact information. I really appreciate your help connecting NDTA to the right person.

For your information, a copy of the 2025 NDTA Award criteria can be found here. Services may supplement our criteria as deemed appropriate. We request that the units selected are at the company, squadron, ship or comparable level and are involved in operational logistics/transportation missions and have clearly exceeded normal standards of performance. Regarding the Award's period of coverage, NDTA recommends applying the 12-month period, covering January through December 2024.

Award Guidance

  • Timings: SUSPENSE FOR SERVICE AWARD SUBMISSIONS TO NDTA HEAQUARTERS IS, 15 JUNE 2025, but as this date falls on Sunday, we will accept recommendations up to Monday, 16 JUN 2025. Please send all Service selections directly to NDTA HQ by email, to and The awards presentation will be at the NDTA-USTRANSCOM Fall Meeting 2025, during our NDTA Annual Meeting & Awards Ceremony. Once we have identified the awardees, we will make direct contact and begin providing detailed instructions.
  • Award Packets: Service award packets should include a complete data sheet and a unit narrative summary.
  • Data Sheet: We sometimes experience missing or incomplete unit/individual information, particularly information pertaining to the winning unit's next higher headquarters. PLEASE HELP US BY MAKING SURE THE CONTACT INFORMATION IS CORRECT AND PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR ALL ELEMENTS OF THE DATA SHEET.
  • NDTA Military Unit Award (Winner Summary): In addition to your service selection data sheets, we need a written achievement narrative for each winning entry. This summary will be published in the NDTA Defense Transportation Journal (OCT Edition). The narrative should be one double-space page. Do not use acronyms.
  • NDTA Logistics/Transportation Instructor of the Year Awards (Winner Summary): Please provide a narrative summary of the individual's accomplishments, individual's unit and next higher chain of command information, a high-resolution photograph (at least 300 pixels per inch) of the award winner and contact information for the winner's supervisor. This information will be published in the NDTA Defense Transportation Journal (OCT Edition). Remember, each Military Service Branch may only select and submit one individual winner for their NDTA Logistics/Transportation Instructor of the Year.
  • Presentation of Awards: We will hold a formal award ceremony during the annual NDTA-USTRANSCOM Fall Meeting. The ceremony takes place during the NDTA Annual Member Meeting and awards are presented by the NDTA President, Chairman of the Boards and USTRANSCOM Commander. Photos are taken of each award winner and will be available through the NDTA website following the ceremony. NDTA will provide additional administrative details in the JUL/AUG time period once the winners are identified. For winners unable to attend the in-person ceremony, awards will be mailed to the winning units' next higher headquarters for presentation. Please specify where and to whom we should send the awards.

NDTA's desire is to promote Logistics and Transportation excellence, and our awards program is one way we try to do that. We hope these award opportunities create strong competition, and you will use this as an opportunity to recognize units and individuals who are making a difference and striving for excellence.