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Regimental Awards Program - 2023 Hall of Fame Inductee

Regimental Awards Program


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Deployment Excellence Award

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NDTA Military Award Program

2023 Hall of Fame Inductee COL Mark W. Dille

COL Mark W. Dille

Colonel Mark W. Dille received his commission through the Morehead State University ROTC program in 1973 as a Transportation Corps Officer and served the Army for 28 years.

He served in a vast number of diverse assignments, including deployments to Kuwait in Support of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm and operations in Hungary and Macedonia.

He commanded the 494th Transportation Company, 29th Transportation Battalion, 129th Corps Support Battalion, and 16th Corps Support Group. Other key assignments included Logistics Instructor, US Army Transportation School; Division Transportation Officer (DTO), 101st Airborne Division; G-4, 101st Airborne Division; Chief of Staff, 3rd Corps Support Command; Chief, Joint Deployment Process Office, Joint Forces Command.

Dille’s decorations include: Defense Superior Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, and Army Commendation Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters. He is authorized to wear the Air Assault Badge.