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Maritime Intermodal Training Department (MITD) Information


Maritime Operation Branch

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Cargo Handling Division

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Credentialing Assistance

The United States Army Transportation School is the single source for Active, Reserve, National Guard, and Veteran Army Mariners seeking a path to a Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC).

The programs listed below do have time limitations associated to NMC approval with regards to date of attendance and MMC application process.

46 CFR 10.213 Normally for military, 60 percent of the total time onboard is considered equivalent underway service. 46 CFR 10.201 An applicant for an officer endorsement must have at least three months of qualifying service on vessels of appropriate tonnage or horsepower within the three years immediately preceding the date of application.

Path top Credentials
FOR Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) or Merchant Mariner Document (MMD).

Completion of one of the above approved US Army Maritime program.

Initial contact with the Maritime Qualification Credentialing Specialist (MQCS).

Request a copy of Army Sea Service, United States Army Marine License, and United States Army Marine Certification.

Verification of Army Sea Service by the Maritime Qualification Credentialing Specialist (MQCS).

Initiates the process to obtain Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC®).

Army Mariner completes the below documents and forms.

  • Verification of the Army Mariner’s packet by the Maritime Qualification Credentialing Specialist (MQCS).
  • Submittal of the Army Mariner’s packet to the USCG by the Maritime Qualification Credentialing Specialist (MQCS).
  • The Army Mariner’s packet is then evaluated by the National Maritime Center (NMC).
  • Average wait time for a MMC/MMD is approximately 90 days.

Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)

MITDs TWIC program is dependent on funding availability. The “Current TWIC status” button will allow you to see what the current funding allocation for specific TWIC programs (CAC Enabled and must request access). Once access is granted, provide the requested information about program eligibility for a TWIC paid by the Transportation School's MITD.

Feedback from the Field