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Cargo Handling Division


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Cargo Handling Division

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88H Cargo Handling Specialists Rough Terrain Container Handler Operator

About Cargo Handling Division

The U.S. Army Transportation School's Cargo Handling Division provides training and certification for the Cargo Specialist (88H) Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), Additional Skill Identifier (R1) for Rough Terrain Container Handler (RTCH), and four functional courses. 88H10s receive Initial Entry Training (IET) as Cargo Specialists and return later in their career for more complex and technical training to meet the requirements of the 88H20 - 30 course as a Noncommissioned Officer (NCO). Graduates learn to safely operate a variety of equipment to include the following: Kalmar RT40 Rough Terrain Container Handler (RTCH), the All-Terrain Lifter Army System (ATLAS), 5K Light Capability Rough Terrain Forklift, and the ship/shore mounted Hagglund Crane.

Cargo Specialist (88H10 – 88H40)

US Army cargo handler.

Cargo Specialists are the Army's experts in cargo handling operations. The Cargo Handling Division trains Soldiers in cargo documentation, securing cargo, and the loading/unloading of cargo through the operation of material handling equipment (MHE).

Rough Terrain Cargo Handler (RTCH) Operator

US Army soldier cargo handler.

This course provides more detailed training and responsibilities for the RTCH operator: Hydraulic controls and instruments, Equipment operations, Boom operation and Controls, Top Handler operations, Ground stacking of International Shipping Organization (ISO) containers, Chassis loading/unloading, Forklift Kit Installation, and safety.  Successful completion of the course awards the R1 additional skill identifier certifying graduates on all aspects of RTCH operation. The RTCH simulation facility is available for units to reserve upon request at the below link: