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Maritime Engineering Branch


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Maritime Engineer

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About Maritime Engineering Branch

The U.S. Army Transportation School's Maritime Engineering Branch provides maritime (vessel) engineering training to Army Watercraft engineering Soldiers (88L) and Warrant Officers (881A), Initial Entry Training (IET) for 88L10 junior enlisted students, technical and professional development training 88L20-40 Noncommissioned Officer (NCOs) as well as for Civilian and Joint Service maritime personnel. Training includes a variety of skill sets of increasing complexity from familiarization of vessels, terms and systems, to diagnoses and repair of components and major systems found aboard all Army Watercraft.

Enlisted Engineering (88L10-88L40)

The Watercraft Engineer leads, performs, and trains subordinate personnel to operate and maintain the vessel’s engines and power plant. In addition to the engines, duties include electrical and cooling systems; lubrication fuel systems; refrigeration; steering mechanisms; pneumatic and hydraulic systems; the hull; piping and general vessel maintenance. The NCOIC instructs and supervises marine engine department personnel in all systems maintenance; oversees posting of vessel log books, forms and records; assigns personnel to duty positions; schedules equipment for calibration; establishes maintenance priorities; prepares and reviews shipyard specifications; prepares marine vessel historical reports and records, preventive maintenance schedules and records, materiel readiness reports, equipment improvement recommendations and unsatisfactory, or faulty equipment reports; and records required and completed modifications.

Transportation Soldiers in firefighting gear fighting a fire.

Marine Engineering Warrant Officer (881A1-881A2)

The Marine Engineering Warrant Officer (881A) is responsible for the efficient and economical operation of the engine room machinery plant, the auxiliary machinery, and specific deck equipment. 881As are required to receive and maintain certification from the Maritime and Intermodal Training Department (MITD) of the U.S. Army Transportation School in order to be licensed to grade aboard all vessels within the U.S. Army Watercraft Fleet. Soldiers attending the Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC) receive basic through advanced level instruction for mariners, taking a progressive and sequential approach to build technical proficiency and competence for near coastal operations. Warrant Officers will attend the Warrant Officer Intermediate Course (WOIC) to build upon the knowledge and skills learned during WOBC and upon graduation, will receive the A2 certification required for ocean going vessel operations and various staff level liaison positions. The Warrant Officer Advanced Course (WOAC) provides Chief Warrant Officers with the leadership, tactical, and technical training to serve in company and higher-level positions with a primary focus directed towards leadership training, staff skills, and advanced level career field training. The Warrant Officer Intermediate Level Education (WOILE) course provides Strategic, Joint, Theater, Division and Corps level instruction which includes vessel defense, JLOTS packages, advanced firefighting and the Command, Control, Computers, Communications, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C5ISR) systems.

US Army Warrant Officer checking the gages in a US Army vessel.