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Regimental Awards Program - 2022 Hall of Fame Inductee

Regimental Awards Program


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Deployment Excellence Award

Somervell Award

NDTA Military Award Program

2022 Hall of Fame Inductee Major General (R) James E. Chambers

Major General (R) James E. Chambers

Major General Chambers, USA (Retired), has over 44 years of Teaching, Military and Corporate service. He is a career logistician and completed his service in support of Knowledge Point from 2018 to 2020 as the Project Lead for the enhancement of the Joint Logis6cs Command, UAE Armed Forces.

After refering from the US Army in 2012, he transi6oned into the corporate sector and served as the president and CEO of two military defense companies, McLane Technologies, Temple, Texas and VT Miltope, Montgomery, Alabama.

Major General James Chambers, USA (Ret.) completed his military career of over 33 years at U.S. Central Command as the J4. He entered the service as a private in 1978 and attended Officer Candidate School in 1979 and commissioned as an Air Defense officer. He transferred to the Transportation Corp in 1981. He served two combat tours in Desert Storm/Desert Shield in Saudi Arabia with the VII Corps, and again in OIF II in Iraq with III Corps. He also conducted multiple missions in Afghanistan and the Central Asian States.

During his General Officer years, he served as the Commanding General of the Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) and Fort Lee, Virginia and as Commanding General of the US Army Transportation School and Center and Fort Eustis, Virginia. He commanded the 13th Corps Support Command, Fort Hood, Texas, which included a combat tour in 2004 as the senior Logis6cs Commander for US Forces and Commander of Balad Air Base, Iraq. He also served two tours in the Pentagon and an assignment in the US Army Space Ins6tute as the combat developer for GPS military receivers.

He earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant, Oklahoma, and his Master’s Degree in Logistics Management from the Florida Institute of Technology.